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A Man in The Guise of a Cat!


Happening this evening, on this day during the opening of the Burnley Empire 129 years ago today as told by the Burnley Express there was "Quite a galaxy of talent has been secured for the week and the programme is both lengthy and a varied one, indeed those who would grumble at the entertainment provided would be very hard to please. The inaugural ceremony was of the simplest possible description, the orchestra playing the National Anthem, the occupants of the seats on the floor upstanding with uncovered heads the while, the audience signalising the raising of the curtain with an outburst of applause. In its way, Monday evening’s performance was a notable one, mostly because it marked a new epoch in the musical annals of the town, which has long felt the want of a place of amusement of this description. Miss Nellie Lovell had the honour of singing the first song in the new music hall, and she was very well received in her male impersonations. Mr F. Coyle, the comedian, had three turns, and was encored for the “Monstrel Boys’ Medley,” and he was followed by “Catawheela,” a man in the guise of a cat, who performs all kinds of clever and novel feats on a bicycle..."

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